You can view the  grade properties by entering the grade, Br,Hcb,Hcj

The guiding thought of HPMG, since the verybeginning, has always been to adhere to the pursuit of continuous improvement, in every aspect.  

We constantly strive to improve the quality of our products, the environment in which we work, the safety and “well being” of our employees, our relationships with our existing clients and potential clients.

This Involves  a lot of commitment in terms of  time and money and we consider this to be vital to our continued success, our employees are our “stakeholders” ,as are our clients and we strive to give the best we have to offer to both to optimise our significant investment in facilities and personnel.

Tel: 0086 (0)571 82875116       
The South Beach of 2nd Qianjiang Bridge, Xiaoshan 311231 Hangzhou, P.R. China